School of Applied Sciences
The University of Mississippi

Second Bachelor’s Degree

Can I pursue two degrees at the same time?

If you wish to add a second degree, you will need to go to the Dean’s Office of the school you want to pursue your second degree in. Be sure to notify the Dean’s Office that you are working on more than one degree. The student information system will list you in both majors and show two advisors, but will only show the first school you are in. Although you may have your Advising Hold lifted by your original advisor, it is strongly recommended that you see an advisor in both of your majors each semester to make sure that you stay on track with your course requirements for each major.

Please note that you must complete all of the degree requirements for each degree program in order to obtain two degrees. In addition to the credits used for the first degree, the candidate for the second bachelor’s degree must complete at least 30 semester hours in residence from the school or college recommending the degree, with a minimum 2.0 GPA for those courses.