Dropping / Adding
How can I drop/add a class from my schedule?
Any student may drop or add a course on-line using his or her WebID, provided this is done before the deadlines for dropping and adding. These deadlines are very important and may be found on theOffice of the Registrar’s home page under the heading “Academic Calendars.”
To add a course which is closed or to add a course after the first week of class, a student must obtain a permission slip from the department who owns the course, have the form signed by the course instructor, and return the completed form to the department owning the course for the departmental secretary to enroll the student in the course.
After the final day for course withdrawals, as posted by the Office of the Registrar, the decision to allow a student to drop rests with his or her academic dean. No Applied Sciences student will be permitted to withdraw from a course after the withdrawal deadline except for a documented extreme and unavoidable emergency as deemed appropriate by the Office of the Dean of the School of Applied Sciences.
A student who wishes to withdraw from all classes for a semester must obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of the Registrar.