Each student within the School of Applied Sciences is assigned an academic advisor in his or her academic department. The advisor’s role is to assist you in making course selections and to approve your schedule. It is your responsibility, however, for making appropriate choices when scheduling classes, including schedule changes made during the drop-add period. You, as the student, bear the ultimate responsibility for meeting all degree requirements.
How can I get my Advisor Hold removed?
At some point before registration opens for the next semester, an Advisor Hold is placed on each student’s account. In order to have that hold lifted so that you can register, you must see your academic advisor in your department to help you make out a schedule for the upcoming semester. Some departments do group advising during a particular block of time, whereas some departments require you to set up an individual appointment with your advisor by sign-up sheet. It is your responsibility to find out how your department conducts advising and make sure that you get in contact with your advisor. No student’s advising hold will be lifted without consent of the advisor. If you are not sure who your advisor is, you may log on to your student information using your WebID, or you may contact your department’s secretary or your Dean’s Office.